
A Free and Open Forum for the transfomation from 'The Jungles of Confusion' concerning the [misnomered] "Heart of Darkness", that the DRC is thought of as [due largely to 'yellow journalism and the virulent racism of Sir. H.M. Stanley - who I ironically share a Bithdate with!], to it's TRUE PLACE as moor the PEACEFUL and CIVILIZED " Eye of the Storm" it was before the all too tragic history of King Leopold's heinous so-called "Free" [read ENSLAVED!] State". NOTE: at the end of the 19th Century, this area was, in fact, "The Home of Lightness", certainly NOT anyone's "Dark heART"! What do you think? I'd really, like to know. TOGETHER We CAN CREATE JUSTICE for this much beleaugered part of Our World.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Whence comes the geographical name "Europe"?


Did you know that the accepted 'Name' of the percived "White" continent called "Europe", comes from a very powerful BLACK Phoenician Queen named "Europa"?

This is the kind of "HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT" information, I Wyl, cover on this blog.

And I/We welcome your input. The moor contraversial the topic the moor we WELCOME YOUR RESPONSE! So feel free to agree OR disagree with me! I only ask for you to state either

references or experiential knowledge [perhaps both], this applies to 'yeaers' as well as 'nayers'.

And I only ask that if you are either, you ADD SOMETHING OF VALUE to this "Intellectual Stone Soup". Remember, we all get to 'Drink it', so be civil, kind [in terms of profanity AND judgement, mind you!], and considerate. MAY WE ALL BE made full, and well NOURISHED!

Thank You in Advance, for your kind Co-operation.


Wiilliam James Tucker